I've been doing a regular web comic with my husband for about 9 months now, we also do some video reviews, and we have done one video review in which I've animated the titular characters of Panda and Boo. Here is the address of the website, where you can read the comics by using the navigation arrows under the image:
Here is the video with the animation in it, this was our first one, it isn't professional by any means, but we will get better and better as we make more!
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Just starting this blog to make an easily accessible portfolio to show my work to potential employers. Each post will contain drawings or animations. To see everything, just use the archive links on the right side of the page. Be sure to click the links for every month, as the posts in these lists will often be updated.
J'établis ce blog afin d'en faire un portefolio en ligne facile d'accès pour montrer mon travail à des employeurs potentiels. Chaque entrée contiendra des dessins ou des animations. Pour naviguer et voir la totalité, veuillez cliquer sur les liens d'archives sur le côté droit de la page. Vous pouvez cliquer sur les liens de chaque mois, les entrées antérieures seront souvent mises à jour.